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12081. KNCTR Twitter 22:54:24, 10.01.2014
email  homepage How come Firefox displays a weird character when it should show a word?
12080. KNCTR Twitter 22:54:24, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I want to pursue a major in creative writing, and eventually become a fiction writer, but my question is, besides teaching english (which I NEVER picture myself doing), what is there for someone with a creative writing degree to do before they have written any books. My mom says a degree in creative writing is like signing up to work at Starbuck's until i get published, is this the case?.
12079. KNCTR 22:54:23, 10.01.2014
email  homepage What are some extensions known to slowdown firefox browser?. . Which one can make firefox the more slower?. . Can you tell me some of them?.
12078. Twitter 22:54:22, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I have a lot of bookmarked websites part of Blogspot that I check daily for updates, but it is so annoying to click through a list. If I make an account is there some sort of feature where I can see new posts on the websites? (Sort of like Subscriptions on Xanga)?.
12077. Twitter 22:54:20, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I want to start a blog to write about everything that happens at school and with friends...anonymously...any sugestions?.
12076. KNCTR Twitter 22:54:19, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I am working on an educational website and the owners wanted an article section where I put articles they indicate on the site. The articles come from news/magazine and other online article/new sources. I have been listing ?Article Taken From: (URL)? and a link to the original article. I thought that was enough, but I have heard from a friend that it isn?t. . This site is NOT yet publicly online, so I can change things to be legal before it becomes a legal problem.. . What do I need as a citation to make sure I don?t infringe on anyone?s copyright?. Do I need to do anything else other than listing a citation & link to be legal?. . Thank You all for helping!. SRGR.
12075. KNCTR Twitter 22:54:18, 10.01.2014
email  homepage Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
12074. KNCTR 22:54:17, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I'm excellent at financial planning, and giving advice about weather to buy certain items or cut back. how can i start a website giving out this advice?.
12073. Twitter 22:54:16, 10.01.2014
email  homepage I know anything you write is technically copyrighted, but I'm not sure how you could prove that it was your original material..
12072. t of firefox. Need this information TONIGHT. Have to give the computer to it's new owner tomorrow morning. Is there anyway I can save the bookmarks within an firefox account online so that when I download firefox on the new computer they will be there?? PLEASE HELP. Thanx.. 01:00:00, 01.01.1970
flatPHPbook by Thomas Hettenhausen